What is a Restricted Key?


A restricted key is a key that is tightly controlled by the door hardware manufacturer. They are not available on the open market and often require special equipment to duplicate, which means it's nearly impossible to obtain copy of a key from a hardware shop or a big-box store because those places will not have the key blank or the equipment needed to make the copy. Be careful not to confuse restricted keys with keys stamped with “Do Not Copy”. That stamp is meaningless, and there is no lawful action that can be taken against those who make copies of these keys. 


Have any of the following situations happened in you or your organization?


  1. A key was lost

2. A key was stolen

3. A tenant fails to return a key


4. With Non-Restricted Keys


If any of the above has ever happened in you or your organization, and you have non-restricted keys, what follows is often a phone call or an email to your locksmith explaining that you need the locks changed in your facility or home.


An organization might call your lock and key manufacturer to order new lock cores and keys. That should save money, but it might be a week – even two – before you receive the order. When you do receive the order, sometimes the order is incorrect – and you remain vulnerable to loss.


Even before a key is unaccounted for, you are at risk for keys being copied without authorization – and you would have no way of knowing if/when that happens. This puts your company assets and employees at risk, whether all keys are accounted for or not. And, it puts homeowners at risk.


With Restricted Keys


If any of the situations listed above have happened, and you have restricted keys, you've avoided duplication without authorization and your facility or home are not compromised.


I'm just a phone call away, and I'm happy to help, whether it's a recommendation, advice or instructions. Feel free to reach out to me, text or call 1-239-687-6564, or you can email me at msuarez@colliercountylocksmith.com


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